An option-granting practice in which options are granted at a time that precedes a positive news event. Spring loading relies on the fact that positive news typically causes the underlying company's stock to surge in value. Timing an option grant to precede the public news release provides the option holder with an almost instant profit.
Spring-loading options is often a controversial practice. Because option strike prices tend to be derived from the grant day's stock price, on the day of granting the option should be "at the money".
Theoretically, executives should benefit from options-based compensation only if their performance has increased shareholder value. Therefore, critics of spring loaded options state that allowing the option holder to gain instant profit defeats the purpose of option-based compensation. However, others claim that the effects of spring loading are minimal, as most option grants have a vesting period, which prevents the holder from realizing his or her position for a period of time. In this case, the option might be out of the money long before the investor can exercise it.
财务税务:代理记账 财务规划 税务筹划
法律合规:公司合规 法律纠纷 ipo上市法务
知识产权:注册商标 专利申请 品牌策划
数字智能:网站建设 智能软件 公众号小程序
宣传推广:B2B平台 SEO优化 媒体财经公关
跨境海外:红筹架构 跨境基金 家族信托保险
政府招商:园区规划 园区招商 产业集群生态
资本运作:产业基金 融资策划 商业计划书
上市服务:前期规划 上市辅导 定增并购在融资
Spring Loading
2018-05-02 19:10:51 浏览:94 来源:投融网