A bond that pays interest in one currency but pays the principal in a different currency. The amount of the principal repayment is set at initiation and paid at maturity. This principal amount usually allows for some appreciation in the exchange rate of the stronger currency. These issues are common in the Eurobond market and are a useful source of capital for multinational companies.
|||There are three methods used in applying the exchange rate to principal and interest payments from dual currency bonds:
1. The use of the prevailing exchange rate when the bond is issued
2. The use of the existing exchange rate at the time cash flow payments are made
3. The use of the currency that is chosen from the two currencies by the investors or issuers of these bonds - also known as an "option currency bond"
财务税务:代理记账 财务规划 税务筹划
法律合规:公司合规 法律纠纷 ipo上市法务
知识产权:注册商标 专利申请 品牌策划
数字智能:网站建设 智能软件 公众号小程序
宣传推广:B2B平台 SEO优化 媒体财经公关
跨境海外:红筹架构 跨境基金 家族信托保险
政府招商:园区规划 园区招商 产业集群生态
资本运作:产业基金 融资策划 商业计划书
上市服务:前期规划 上市辅导 定增并购在融资