
Euro Medium Term Note - EMTN

2018-05-02 17:34:04  浏览:53  来源:投融网

A flexible medium-term debt instrument that is issued and traded outside of Canada and the United States and requires fixed dollar payments. EMTNs are issued directly to the market with maturities of less than five years and are offered continuously rather than all at once like a bond issue.
|||EMTNs make it easier for issuers to enter into foreign markets for capital. With EMTNs, the issuer maintains a standardized document that can be transferred across all issues and has a great proportion of sales through a syndication of pre-selected buyers.


    投融资俱乐部,入驻120万+ 机构会员,会员可发布及对接投融资需求、筛选优质项目、企业上市辅导、兼并收购等投行业务信息,在线结识更多人脉,构建投融资与上市服务生态圈。


