
Temporal Method

2018-05-02 17:33:50  浏览:121  来源:投融网

A method of foreign currency translation that uses exchange rates based on the time assets and liabilities are acquired or incurred. The exchange rate used also depends on the method of valuation that is used. Assets and liabilities valued at current costs use the current exchange rate and those that use historical exchange rates are valued at historical costs.
|||By using the temporal method, any income-generating assets like inventory, property, plant and equipment are regularly updated to reflect their market values. The gains and losses that result from translation are placed directly into the current consolidated income. This causes the consolidate earnings to be rather volatile.


    投融资俱乐部,入驻120万+ 机构会员,会员可发布及对接投融资需求、筛选优质项目、企业上市辅导、兼并收购等投行业务信息,在线结识更多人脉,构建投融资与上市服务生态圈。


