A dividend or distribution that a co-operative pays to its members or investors. Patronage dividends are given based on a proportion of profit made by the business. once this amount is figured out the dividend is calculated according to how much each member has used the co-op's services. Tax rules view these profits essentially as an overcharge, which can be returned to patrons and deducted from the co-op's taxable income.
As the name implies, patronage dividends are paid to individuals as a result of belonging to the co-operative. One example can be seen when families purchase groceries through a co-operative and receive income or a credit on their account in return. Although they are taxed as ordinary dividend income, they may also contain an alternative minimum tax adjustment amount and are usually reported on Form 1099-PATR. Some co-ops will use the dividends to reduce the selling price of items, thus, in a way, the more you spend the more you receive.
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Patronage Dividend
2018-05-02 17:32:15 浏览:128 来源:投融网